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Sunday, June 09
Makeover for Kingfisher (M012401)EOJ-Jun01   Wakefield, NC (01924)

The Kingfisher Restaurant & Takeaway underwent a major new re-brand in 2009 which involved a whole new re-furbishment of the restaurant, new menus, exterior signage and website. (

Friday, April 26
Our hookahs & shisha help you relax (M012401)   Oakland Gardens, NC (877)

Smoke the tastiest, premium shisha from Fantasia, Starbuzz, & D�j� vu as well as Hookah-Hookah, Al-Fakher, and Pharaoh. 50g, 100g, 250g sizes available.

Tuesday, March 17
African Fashion & Inaugural Extravaganza   Winston-Salem, NC (The Winston-Salem Urban League, Main Hall, 201 W. 5th St.)

Join the Liberian Organization of the Piedmont for a three-in-one event on Saturday, March 28, 2009 Admissions: $20.00 Fashion Show 6-8 Dinner 8-9 Inaugural Ball 9-midnight

Wednesday, March 26
2008 Motorcycle Roll Out at Hope of Glory Fellowhship Church   WINSTON-SALEM, NC (Southside)

Get ready, get ready get ready!!! For a FAMtastic event! NEW BEGINNINGS OUTREACH MINISTRY of Hope of Glory Fellowship Church is sponsoring the 2008 Motorcycle Roll Out! All riders are invited to participate in the 2008 ROLL OUT! April 19, 2008...

Friday, August 31
11/3: 4th Annual Southern Heritage Pottery & Folk Art Show   Winston-Salem, NC

4th Annual Southern Heritage Pottery & Folk Art Show Saturday, November 3, 2007 9 am � 5 pm At the Girl Scout Learning Center 1203 Frances Daily Court (bhind Magnolia Manor) Colfax, NC 27235 between Greensboro and Winston- Salem, Off I-4...

Wednesday, August 29
9/1: HUGE YARD SALE!!!!!   Winston-Salem, NC

we're having a HUGE yard sale. Lots of awesome clothes, baby items, treadmill, woodstove, microwave, shoes. Some new some used things. LOTS of great stuff. if you are interested in coming it is saturday morning September 1st. 9am until. Just ma...

9/1: Verge 748   Winston-Salem, NC

Verge 748 is a worship service in a coffeehouse atmosphere. CityLight Coffeehouse is open from 7-11pm Saturday nights; worship service starts at 7:48pm. Located at Reynolda Presbyterian Church, 2200 Reynolda Road, across from Reynolda Village. Auth...

Wednesday, August 22
8/24-8/25: The Mother of all yard sales   Winston-Salem, NC

Large moving sale,Friday August 24 & Saturday August 25. 7 A.M. until We have everything, furniture, appliances, dishes, curtains, books, clothing, yard tools, lawn mowers, tools, etc. and it's reasonably priced. 511 Calvin Sowers Rd.----Take Hw...