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Winston-Salem > Real Estate > Real Estate for Sale > 4 Bedroom Single Wide Mobile Home-14x80-Only$12,995.00

4 Bedroom Single Wide Mobile Home-14x80-Only$12,995.00


• 4 bedrooms • 2.0 bathrooms

Lexington, NC • 12/08/2009

Lexington Trailer

4 Bedrooms-14x80-Only$12,900.00
If you are looking to buy a great trailer this is it. You can move this home to your lot..
This one is a 1997 Oakwood with
4 Bedrooms and 2 baths. The length is 14x80. This home needs very minor repairs. It needs a small portion of flooring replaced in the laundry room. Other than that you could potentially just go in clean up and move in. Every trailer I have ever sold the buyer has always gone in and did paint and carpet. I expect most people would do that on this one. Home has metal roof and metal siding. Tongue is still on home for easy moving. This home is located directly off of Hwy 64 so nice location with wooded private lot. Also would be easier to move with location.
This home has 4 bedrooms, is 14x80 feet and does not need major repairs. This type home at this type price with out needing major repairs is hard to come by.
We are only asking $12,900.00 for this home for a quick sale.
Address is 229 POPLAR SPRINGS RD #9 LEXINGTON, NC 27295
Go To for directions.
Poplar Springs is at intersection of Hwy 64 and Old Hwy 64.
When you turn on Poplar Springs go all the way to the end of the road and you will see trailer. Front and back door are unlocked, so feel free to go by and take a look at this 4 Bedroom home.
This one will not last at this price so hurry!!!
See Pictures Below

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Photo of Dennis Hurt.

Posted by: Jebranto

Located: 229 POPLAR SPRINGS RD #9, Lexington, NC

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